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Scar Reduction

Marie Smith

A common request we get here at Bullenbees are recommendations for scar reduction and/or prevention.  One of the most important things you can do to minimize scarring is to keep a new wound moist and covered.  Research has also shown that Vitamin B Complex can speed up wound healing by increasing the amount of cell repair in the wound.  Vitamin B3 has also been shown to reduce inflammation and hyperpigmentation.

Many over the counter scar creams contain silicone or petroleum jelly with vitamins in them.  Silicone creams feel great when applied to the skin and keep the top layer of the skin moist, but they are not great at transporting moisture (and vitamins) deeper into the skin.  Therefore, if the wound is new but is not open, we recommend you apply Bullenbees Daily Vitamin Spread with either a silicone cream or petroleum jelly on top.  The Daily Vitamin Spread is super absorbing and will transport the vitamins (B3, B5, and E) deep into the skin, and the silicone creams will keep the top layers of the skin from drying out while the edges of the skin knot back together.  

In addition, sun protection if also key for minimizing scarring…so cover your wound and/or wear sun screen if outside.

 Below is a picture of a customer who followed these recommendations and had amazing results!

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